书名:西方哲学史The History of Western Philosophy
本书作为西方哲学史的教科书,按照我们约定俗成的划分方式,讲述的是从公元前6世纪以 后到公元20世纪之前的2500多年间,西方哲学产生、形成、发展和演变的历史过程。
Considered to be one of the most important philosophical works of all time, the History of Western Philosophy is a dazzlingly unique exploration of the ideologies of significant philosophers throughout the ages – from Plato and Aristotle through to Spinoza, Kant and the twentieth century. Written by a man who changed the history of philosophy himself, this is an account that has never been rivalled since its first publication over 60 years ago.
This special collector’s edition features:
a brand new foreword by Anthony Gottlieb, who is Executive Editor of The Economist, a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University, and a regular contributor to the New York Times Book Review. He studied Philosophy at Cambridge University and is the author of The Dream of Reason – A History of Philosophy from The Greeks to The Renaissance
a number of beautiful colour plates. Sumptuous fine art paintings such as Dufresnoy’s Death of Socrates and Raphael’s School of Athens depict the importance and influence of philosophy, and the centrality of the western philosophical tradition throughout the ages.
The History of Western Philosophy is a definitive must-have title that deserves a revered place on every bookshelf.
罗素(1872-1970),20世纪英国声誉卓著的思想家、哲学家、数学家。 罗素一生所涉及的研究领域极其广泛,著述颇丰,其首要建树在数学和逻辑学领域,同时对西方哲学产生了深远影响。此外,他的研究还涉及道德、政治、教育、和平等方面。罗素的主要著作有:《西方哲学史》、《意义与真理的探究》、《数学原埋》、《物的分析》、《心的分析》等。